Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Things Girls Do That Turn Guys Off

This is something I have often thought about, we all hate men expecting oral but not giving it or only caring about their own orgasm but what is it that us women do that drive men bonkers? So while my husband tried to watch tv I badgered him into telling me what we do that irks men and yes, I'm guilty of some of them as well.

Talking about the Ex
A big no no, he doesn't want to know about how long your ex lasted in bed, or how great a lover he was or your favourite secret sex spots.  If he asks that's ok, but don't volunteer this sort of information.

Prying, Insecurity and Trust Issues
There is nothing worse than a woman who won't let you go to the pub with the boys or has to ring up every ten minutes to make sure you aren't hanging with girls.  NEVER go through his phone, never go through his computer, no exceptions. 

Poor Grooming
Ok, so we're not asking for a brazillian every time he sees you but a bit of a trim never goes astray.  

Elbows during Blowjobs
DON'T REST YOUR ELBOWS ON HIS THIGHS. It hurts and he won't be able to cum, it's not a lounge chair ladies.

All Teeth no Tongue
If there is any part of this entry you should pay attention to it's this one.  For the love of god, don't use teeth during blowjobs.  Some girls can pull off a sexy light scraping with their teeth but most of you can't, it's a horrid turn off.  On the same note, just sticking your mouth on it and going up and down isn't going to do it, you need to use your tongue the whole time.

Is that Good?
What do you think? Of course it's good so shut up and put your mouth back on it.  If you are genuinely having troubles figuring out if we are enjoying it then it's ok to ask but don't keep asking. We want to know you are having a good time too, so chuck a bit of light moaning in there.

Won't try New Things
Ok so maybe you don't want to try anal, that's ok but 7pm bedroom sex every night in the missionary position is not.  Men would rather have lustful exciting sex once a week than boring sex every night.  Try a quickie in the bathroom or surprise him with midnight sex.

Being Over The Top
Men know when your faking all that noise, you've seen porn, do any of those women seem genuine? No and they do it every day for a living, if professional actresses can't fake it realistically neither can you. The total opposite is just as bad though, he needs to be able to see/ hear that you are into it, nobody likes a starfish.

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