Sunday, 15 July 2012

Pubic Grooming

Obviously waxing and laser hair removal will keep your hair away for longer but if you don't feel like flashing your beaver to a total stranger, pubic grooming can be tackled at home.  All the hair doesn't have to be removed and you don't even need to shave if you don't want to.  A basic trim can be done with scissors or clippers.  Personally, I love to shave everything other than a small patch of hair, called a 'landing strip'.  You can go totally bald if you like, or get creative and shave in some patterns using templates.  You could get super creative and check out Vajazzling.  Anyway, here is a basic guide to shaving.  

You will need;
Scissors/ clippers
Shaving Foam
A mirror, preferably hand held
A decent razor with a new blade
Baby oil
Unscented Moisturiser
A mild ex foliating brush

  • Using the scissors or clippers trim down the area you want to shave as low as you can, the less hair you have to shave, the sharper your razor will stay.  Hold your skin tight so you don't nick yourself.  If you can't see what you are doing, prop your leg up on the bathroom sink so you can see yourself in the mirror or use a hand held mirror.  I have the 'sexy step' from Pure Romance so I can prop my leg up in the shower without falling on my butt (plus it doubles as a sex in the shower step!) 

  • Take a 5-10 minute hot shower or bath, use this time to gently ex foliate your skin with your favourite body wash, this removes dead skin cells ensuring a clean shave.  The heat from your bath is going to soften the skin and open up the hair follicles for a closer shave. 

  • Applying some baby oil to the area you want to shave will help the razor to glide over the skin easily, preventing razor burn, irritations and ingrown hairs. Then apply your favourite shaving cream, make sure you follow the instructions to test for skin irritation first.  I like to use Coochy by Pure Romance (ok, so as you can probably tell by now I spend way too much on PR products) it smells great and doubles as a fantastic conditioner.  Take care not to get any shaving cream on your inner labia. 

  • Shave in the same direction of the hair growth, remember to hold the skin tight and don't apply too much pressure. Shave in long smooth strokes, use as few strokes as possible and rinse your razor before it becomes clogged

  • For an extremely clean shave,  re apply your shaving cream and go in the opposite direction of the hair.  If you are prone to ingrown hairs or razor burn this probably isn't worth the problems it will cause. Stop immediately if it begins to hurt or feel uncomfortable.

  • When you are finished, rinse with warm water, pat dry and apply your moisturiser.  Be very careful not let your skin rub against clothes for as long as possible to avoid irritations

-Applying baby powder afterwards can help everything feel soft and avoid rashes
-Don't shave every day, allow at least three days to pass
-Mens shavers are designed for course think hair and work great on pubic hair
-If your going to have sex afterwards, remember that baby oil can damage condoms
-Avoid shaving during your period when your skin is more sensitive

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